Aliroska Adams @platestablesandmore in Milan has made Tablescapes her passion and her job. Inventing new formats to express her style she has become a styling guru for tables.
Aliroska mix and matches fferrone glassware with wonderful Italian design. Following is her article, in Italian, in the publication Milano Vibra.
Una tavola piacevole non solo al palato, ma anche agli occhi. È la passione di Aliroska Adams, diventata a Milano un impiego a tempo pieno:
«Se rivalutiamo il vintage, le combinazioni non finiscono mai»
A table that is pleasing not only to the palate, but also to the eyes. This is the passion of Aliroska Adams, who has made this her full-time job in Milan:
"If we re-evaluate vintage, the combinations never end".
Read the full article in Italian here
Article by Marta Mereghetti
foto di Daniele Fragale